Recreation Activities

The Village of Sherwood provides many active and social engaging opportunities for its residents through its collaborations with  Calumet County.  Besides these listed offerings, Sherwood also provides many active options within the Village through its park system (particularly Wanick and Legion Park), paved and unpaved trail systems, and, of course, High Cliff State Park.

Click the bolded and underlined topic of interest to view more information.


Stepping On

Sherwood Community Center

Wednesdays, October 30th - December 11th

12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.



Six week Zumba sessions held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30pm-6:30pm.


Strong Women

A program designated for middle-aged and older women to help promote healthy lifestyle by incorporating strength training.

Wicked Fit Club

A program designed for adults to rev-up their metabolisms and get into the best shape of their lives!