More Information About Taxes

When will I receive my tax bill?

Tax bills are mailed on or before the third Monday of December each year.

Where do I pay my real estate taxes?

The first installment of real estate taxes can be paid at the Village office.  Any payments after January 31 must be sent to:

Calumet County
206 Court St.
Chilton WI 53014

When are taxes due?

Real estate taxes are payable either in full or minimum of first installment on or before January 31 to the Village of Sherwood-Treasurer.  If you choose to pay in installments, the second payment is due July 31 to the Calumet County - Treasurer.  Personal property taxes are due in full on or before January 31.

I'm doing my taxes and I need to know my school district's district number. What is it?

We have two school districts in the Village of Sherwood; Kaukauna Area School District and Hilbert Area School District.  Which district code you use is contingent upon where you live (please call the Village Office if you have questions on which district you are in).  Below are the codes, per the Department of Revenue:

Kaukauna Area School District = 2758

Hilbert Area School District = 2534


Will I receive a notice of assessment each year?

Notices of assessment are mailed only if there was a change to your property value from the prior year.

How can I find out the assessed value of my property?

Village properties are assessed by Associated Appraisal.  Please visit their web site for detailed information.

What if I disagree with the assessed value of my property?

Contact Associated Appraisal at (800) 721-4157 to discuss your assessed value and how it was calculated. 

If you can not reach a resolution, you may need to appear at the Board of Review hearing (usually held in May each year).  If the Board of Review hearing has not yet occurred you may obtain the necessary objection forms from the Clerk/Treasurer.  If the Board of Review hearing has already occurred, it is still a good idea to speak with the Assessor.  However, no changes can be made to the assessed value until the following year.

The State of Wisconsin Department of Revenue has some very helpful information regarding property values and the Board of Review hearing process.

  • Associated Appraisal Consultants

(920) 749-1995  •  Village Assessor:  Jack Baumbach 

•  Village of Sherwood Clerk-Treasurer

(920) 989-1589  •  Sadie Slotke;