
Garbage & Recycling


The Village of Sherwood provides residential garbage/recycling services through a collection contract with GFL Environmental Disposal (customer service number is (920)687-2631).

In accordance with the Village’s contract GFL, refuse shall be placed for weekly collection in accordance with the following regulations.  They are intended to maintain efficient collection, minimize neighborhood nuisance and protect public health. 

Garbage/waste collection is typically collected every Friday early morning through the afternoon, except holidays.  In the event that a holiday takes place during the week, garbage collection will be picked up on the following day (Saturday).  Please see below to obtain a copy of the collection schedule:

Recycling Guidelines

In September 2015, the Village Board approved of the Eastshore Recycling Commission’s decision to incorporate single-stream collection countywide.  This change is mandated throughout the county, to encourage Calumet County residents to recycle more.  All homes will be required to rent the recycling cart (with no ability to stop/re-start service). 

Each Village residence will receive a recycling receptacle (cart) GFL— only one size of recycling cart (96-gallon) is offered.  No separate bagging of items in the cart is needed - just rinse out items (if needed) and toss in recycling bin.  

Items that can be put into the recycling bin include: cardboard, paper products, food boxes, mail, beverage cans, food cans, jars (glass and plastic), jugs, plastic bottle and caps (#1 through#7), and glass bottles.  Please refer to Calumet County Recycling's Residential Curbside Guide for more information.

Per Waste Management’s contract, recycle pick-up for the Village of Sherwood is split between the West side and the East side of the Village.  As a result, resident recycling will be collected every other week. 

Please see the map below to identify if you are considered on the east side  or west side of the Village.  (Residents are welcome to contact the Village Office for further information or assistance):  

Map - Sherwood East & West Side for Recycling - Determine when your recycling will be picked up by viewing this updated map of the East and West Sides of the Village of Sherwood. 

Annual Bulk-Item Pick-Up

Our annual bulk-item pick up date for 2025 will be May 5 and 6.  Please have your items at the curb by 6am on the first day of pick up to ensure pick-up.  GFL makes 1 trip around the Village and if your items aren't out when they get to your address they will not make a second round through the Village.

Items accepted for collection on this date include:  Furniture, rolled carpeting (4 foot maximum length), cabinets, counter-tops, mattresses/bed springs, non-metal doors, wood windows, wooden playground equipment, appliances WITHOUT Freon (such as stoves, washers, dryers, etc. as long as items can be handled safely by two people).

Excluded items for collection include:  Uncontainerized items or piles of construction material, tires, batteries, recyclable material, TVs/DVD players/VCRs, computer equipment, refrigerators, liquid, yard waste, engines/products run on petroleum, and electronics banned from landfills.

Landfill Needed?

If you must need to use a landfill to dispose of your unwanted goods, the two closest landfills outside Sherwood are Hickory Meadows Landfill right outside Chilton, WI and Outagamie County Landfill in Appleton, WI:

  • Hickory Meadows Landfill 

Phone Number:  (920) 853-8553  •  Hours of Operation: 6:30 AM - 4 PM Monday through Friday, 6:30 AM -10 AM Saturdays

Address:  W3105 Schneider Road, Hilbert, WI (at intersection of County BB/Schneider Road)

  • Outagamie County Landfill
External website featuring contact information, hours of operation, and directions

Address:  1919 Holland Road, Appleton, WI 

Waste Cart & Recycling Carts

Residents can obtain waste carts by contacting the Village Office.  Carts are owned by GFL Environmental.

Waste carts are 95-gallon and cost is $190 for 2025 (billed annually on property tax bill).  

Is your cart damaged?  Call the Village Office to schedule a maintenance request.

The Contractor retains the right to charge a replacement fee to the resident for a new cart if a cart is reported lost or stolen, or if damage due to fire or misuse occurs.     


Special Collections through Calumet County

 photo calumetcountyrecycling_zpsuhyikrq9.jpg

Please click on the link above or www.CalumetRecycles.com to receive more information on how to properly dispose of:

  • Appliances
  • Batteries
  • Electronics
  • Fluorescent bulbs
  • FREON-containing items
  • Hazardous materials and waste
  • Medications
  • Propane tanks
  • Used oil and oil filters

Please note:  Calumet County organizes a handful of disposal opportunities for electronics and hazardous wastes - see the website to sign-up or for more details.  Space is limited and is restricted by a first-come, first-serve basis.  Alternatively, participants without internet access can call our Village Office and staff will be happy to schedule an appointment or contact Calumet County directly at 920-849-2361 Ext. 750 or 920 989-2700 Ext. 750 and leave a message requesting an appointment or information; calls will be returned promptly.