Sherwood Parks and Facilities for Rent

Consider one of the Village of Sherwood 's facilities for your next event.  All rentals are subject to availability and include the Community Center, Rec Center Gym, Wanick Choute Park Pavilion and Legion Park Pavilion.


OUR RESERVATION APPLICATIONS ARE NOW FILLABLE ONLINE.  You can fill out the form and email it to , or you can print it off and drop it off at Village Hall.  To pay the deposit/reservation fee you can pay via credit/debit card through the link on our home page, or you can drop off cash/check at Village Hall.


Rental Deposit and Fee Requirements:  All rentals (say for sports venues) require a signed application and deposit to hold the requested date.  Deposit for building spaces is $150 for residents. Deposit for park pavilions are $200 for residents and $375 for non-residents. Rental fees are established per facility (see below for details).  

Facility Admittance:  When you reserve a facility, you are reserving a specific date.  This is the only date you are entitled to use the facility.  You may not decorate, store items, or utilize the facility prior to the date you have it reserved.  For those facilities requiring keys, the pick-up date for keys can be as early as the Wednesday prior to the event.  However, this doesn't mean that you are entitled to use the facility prior to 7 AM on the reservation date.  Clean-up must be done on same day as reservation date, for there may be a rental scheduled on the subsequent day.

Deposits are refunded contingent upon the condition of the facility is well-maintained, cleaned after use, and the key is returned by the first business day following the event to the Village Office.  

The Village of Sherwood has the right to approve or deny a rental request.

Photo galleries of spaces are available - click the photo of the desired space to view pictures.

Sherwood Community Center
Click the picture to see a photo gallery of the Community Center.

 Community Center

Sherwood Community Center - Only available for rent to Village Residents.

W489 Clifton Road

Capacity: 140 People


Click here to view Community Center Calendar

This space is ideal for: Various types of showers (bridal, baby, christenings), graduation parties, family gatherings, and birthday parties.  

Site features:  Kitchenette, a dining space (10 folding tables, a large 12 foot table, and approximately 100 folding chairs) and a unique bar space ideal for buffet-style food set-up.  Please be advised of wattage of items plugged in the bar area, so not to exceed power source.

Deposit:  $150 - Resident      

2024 Rental Rate: $35 per day

2025 Rental Rate: $100 per day


Legion Pavilion
Click the picture above to see a photo gallery of Legion Park.

 Legion Park

Legion Park Pavilion
W489 Clifton Road 

Capacity:  Outdoor venue behind the Sherwood Community Center.

Park Features:  Includes rental space of park pavilion (8 picnic tables) with electricity, and a separate outdoor restroom facility.  The adjacent park includes a swing-set, teeter-totters, slides, baseball diamond, volleyball court, and ample green space.

Deposit:  $200- Resident

               $375- Non-Resident

Rental Rate: $35 per day


Village Gym
Click the picture above to see a photo gallery of the Village Gym.

 Sherwood Recreational Center/Village Gym

Sherwood Recreational Center - Only available for rent to Village Residents.            

(Village Gym)
W482 Clifton Road (adjacent to Village Hall)
Capacity:  168 people

Click here to view Rec Center/Gymnasium calendar
Space includes:  Large foyer, bathrooms, small kitchenette, stage area, and full-size gymnasium.

The space is perfect for: Birthday parties, fitness classes, team basketball practices, etc.  Check with the Village Office for availability and viable sport options.  

Check the current Village Newsletter for class offerings!

Deposit:  $150          

Rental Rates:  $10 per hour, or $35 per day (usage 2.5 hours or longer)

Click the photo above to view Wanick Choute Park's rental space opportunities.

 Wanick Choute Park

Wanick Choute Park

W4690 Castle Drive

Click here to view Wanick Pavilion Calendar
Wanick Park is packed with fun recreational opportunities during the year (miles of trails, tennis courts, basketball courts, playground equipment, a state-of-the-art splash pad to cool off the youngsters, and a great lawn).  During the winter months, we have an ice rink (weather permitting), and a large sled hill to enjoy!


Rental Opportunities - Events:  

• Wanick Park Pavilion 
• Wanick Amphitheater 
• Farmers Market Stall

Rental Opportunities - Sports (Per Court/Area): 

• Tennis courts (2)
• Basketball court (1) 
• Soccer fields (4) 
• Baseball diamond (1) 

Note:  Areas such as the splash pad, season shelter, and great lawn are areas that are not available (and are not included with) a rental.

Deposit: $200- Resident; $375 - non-residents

Rental Rates:  View form for details.